Beef and Lentil Meatballs
Beef and Lentil Meatballs , that’s what’s for dinner. This moist and flavorful meatball is my newest pride and joy. I’ve literally been trying different meatball recipes for a little over three years now. I just couldn’t find a combination that made me want to go back for more. Until now, that is. These meatballs are toddler friendly, great to freeze, and extremely versatile.

Now that I have the perfect meatball recipe, I can’t tell you how many times they have come to the rescue and saved the day. I’ve topped them with a bbq sauce and had as hors deurves, I’ve made sandwiches out of them, seriously, the list can go on and on. However, my favorite way to use them is for toddler meals for my little ones.
Typically, I’ll pull out a few from the freezer, cover with a wet paper towel, and pop in the microwave for about 45 seconds. I’ll either give it to my 1 year old as a finger food or I’ll chop it up and mix it with a sauce and veggies or pasta.

The orgin of my Beef & Lentil Meatball
I began working on creating a meatball recipe because I needed an easy go-to source of protein for my daughter Harper when she began eating solids. Here’s a list of a few requirements that I had for this meatball:
- I needed a meatball that held together, yet it would be moist and tender, so it could be easily eaten. That’s where the lentils came in. They helped add just a touch of creaminess to the meatball and they definitely assist in keeping it moist.
- I also wanted to make sure the meatball was equally enjoyable by adults. To achieve this, I made sure each meatball is packed with flavor, so I did not skimp on the seasoning.


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